
Grab 'n Go Breakfast Cookies

So, I just made my own version of Oatmeal To-Go bars for breakfast using my Hungry Girl cookbook! I am so excited!!! The recipe doesn't use oil, butter or real sugar! I already taste-tested them and they are FABULOUS!!!! One cookie has: 154 calories, 1.5g fat, 32.5g carbs, 5g fiber, 10.5g sugars and 5g protein


jenmeeko said...

Looks good! Can I get the recipe from you!!?

Our Family said...

i second jen! they look super yummy and i'd love that recipe too!

Jen said...

Those look really good. I might have to make them myself!!

Me Too said...

So. . . I'm starting the South Beach Diet tomorrow. I hope I can keep it up - think I can go one week without any carb, sugar or fruit? I'm not so sure. . . .

Aleiva said...

I totally think you can do it, after day 4-5 it gets a lot easier!!! Happy cooking!