So, Christopher and I are doing the TMM by Dave Ramsey. Most of you already know this, but it's a lifestyle change to get completely out of debt. Now, his approach can be as extreme as you are willing to make it. This could mean, everyone gets a second job, sell your home and anything in it you don't really "need." He also lumps your mortgage, student loans and car payments into what he calls debt; it's not just credit cards any more.
Chris and I are are only focusing on the credit cards first, then my car. If we like what we see and we feel good about it, then we'll continue on with the student loans. If it gets to be too much work at that point, then we'll just let our loans pay for themselves like they have been for the past however many years.
Ok, I just went off on a tangent. Sorry.
Where I was going with this was that doing the TMM is going to force us to have a more healthy lifestyle. No more eating out. No more ordering pizza. No more bar hopping. When we're bored, we'll be forced to go exercise or to play a mind engaging board game. We will have an entertainment budget each month but we cut it down to 25% of what our entertainment budget was before. That's going to be hard.
I'm actually liking where I see this going dispite how hard will get at times having to say no. Not only do I already have a plan for my self by tracking my fitness and nutrition, but we also have the TMM to help us maintain the new healthy lifestyle we're trying to obtain by KEEPING US FROM SPENDING ON UNHEALTHY THINGS! It's wonderful when parts of your life fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
*Acconym: TMM - Total Money Makeover
When a pair of shoes becomes so much more......
7 years ago
we are working at it as well!
love it!
makes eating whatever is leftover in the fridge worth it.
plus brown rice, frozen veggies, salad . .. are cheaper than pizza hut :) and you don't have a stomach ache the next day. ativan withdrawal length of time - ativan side effects withdrawal
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